Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Another Escape by Rachel Taylor

Another Escape has been created by Rachel Taylor to "showcase inspiring practitioners who relate their work and practice to the running theme of escapism and adventure"
I have a feature in this issue and I'm very proud to be part of such a great publication amongst very talented people. Thank you Rachel for the opportunity.

Negotiated Practice Done!

This post is slightly over due but all work for negotiated practice has now been handed in, above you can see the book of prints I have created.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I have been building my website and would apreciate some feedback here is the link Thank you :)

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Here are some prints relating to a new project. More to come soon !

Thursday, 4 August 2011

New work - Bespoke

These are two prints that I created recently for the Bespoke exhibition that is currently on at Cafe Boscanova in Boscombe. The work on show is made up of fellow illustration students. Please take a look.
These pieces are digital collages made from photographs that I have taken.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Head Sculpting Week 1

I started a life sculpting class earlier in May at AUCB. Its a head sculpting class where we can sculpt anyone of our choice from a photograph. I chose to sculpt louise a fellow illustrator, we are both attending the course so thought this would be a good opportunity as we will always have reference to each other. Here is a link to the Life sculpting short course page
I haven't got any photographs from the first class as this was just making the armature and filling out with clay. I will post my progress on this blog.

Head Sculpting Week 2

In the first lesson we were given a set of calipers to measure our model, this then gave us a structure to work to. In the second lesson I managed to add some of the basic features after padding out the head, taking away and adding clay to meet the measurements.

Later on in the lesson I added the ears.

Head Sculpting Week 3

This week I started to refine the features.

I then put louises glasses on the model to see if there was a likeness and to check for size.

Head Sculpting Week 4

This week I redid the eyes and moved the mouth several times.

At this point I had moved the lips down but they were still in the wrong place, they took some tweeking but finally ended up like this.

Head Sculpting Week 5

Week 5 was supposed to be that last day of the course but it got extended to have an extra week this ment I still had time to refine the features as I was still not happy with the eyes.

Head Sculpting Week 6

Here is my head sculpt of louise finished, I will be uploading better photos soon.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Friday, 28 January 2011

Crayon - an eclectic illustration exhibition

This is just an update about an exhibition I'm involved in along with 13 other illustrators, taking place at The Moontree Gallery. The Private View is tomorrow 29th Feb. Come along and see a variety of contemporary illustration. You can also join the facebook event here CRAYON